About this website!

 Hello! This is Asmo's Wild Rift Blog! 

I will be posting tips, knowledge, concepts and champion guides and builds on this website! I hope that they'll be helpful to you! If there's anything you would like me to post, feel free to email me at admin@asmo7791.xyz or DM me on Twitter or Discord (Asmo#4118)! 

A little bit about myself. I am a Taiwanese American that is currently coaching a Wild Rift team in NA called Team SNO. However, I have begun coaching teams before NA Wild Rift was released, starting with MonarchyEC, Steel Atlas Gaming, Vanguard Gaming, Aphelion Esports Asia, YDN Esports, and was invited to coach Game-Lord. The reasoning behind me being a coach rather than a player, is because I know all the theory but I can't do them myself hahahahah :3 But yea, outside of coaching, I am a Tournament Organizer. I currently work with Mobile Gaming Association as a Regional Game Lead. Hope to see you guys play in our tournament soon!!

YouTube Uploads are coming soon!!

Please also support my YouTube and Twitch Stream!

Team SNO
 - Discord
 - Twitter
