Akali Champion Guide

Classification: AP Assassin

Base Stat: 

  • HP: 570

  • Health Regen: 9

  • Energy: 200

  • Attack Damage: 64

  • Attack Speed: 0.8

  • Armor: 30

  • Magic Resistance: 38

  • Movement Speed: 345


  • Passive: Assassin's Mark

    • Dealing active ability damage to a champion reveals a ring for 4 seconds.

    • Crossing the ring empowers Akali's next attack to gain 100 range, deal 40 bonus Magic damage (40 + 60% bonus AD) and restore 15 energy .

    • Gains 50% Movement Speed while moving toward the ring.

    • Upon crossing the ring, she gains 50% Movement Speed while moving toward enemy champions for 2 seconds.

  • Ability 1: Five Point Strike

    • Throws five kunais, dealing 67 magic damage (25/60/95/130 + 65% AD + 60% AP). Enemies struck at maximum range are slowed by 50% for 0.5 seconds.

    • Energy Cost: 130/110/90/70

    • Cooldown: 1.5 Seconds

  • Ability 2: Twilight Shroud

    • Creates a smoke cloud that expands over 5.5 seconds and restores 80 energy. Akali is invisible and gains 25% Movement Speed inside the shroud

    • Attacking breaks the invisibility for 0.8 seconds

    • Duration: 5.5/6/6.5/7

    • MS: 30/35/40/45%

    • Cooldown: 18 Seconds

  • Ability 3: Shuriken Flip

    • Flips backward and throws a shuriken, dealing (30/60/90/120+20% AD+30%AP) Magic Damage and marking the target for 3 seconds.

    • Re-cast: Dashes to the marked target, dealing (70/120/170/220+50% AD+ 80% AP) Magic Damage

    • Energy Cost: 30

    • Cooldown: 15/13/11/9

  • Ultimate Ability: Perfect Execution

    • First Cast: Dashes through an enemy champion, dealing (85+50% bonus AD + 30% AP). Can be cast again after 2.5 seconds.

    • Second Cast: Dashes in target direction, dealing (85 + 40% AP). Increased by up to 300% based on targets’ missing Health.

    • Deals max damage to targets below 35% health.

    • Cooldown: 90/70/50 Seconds

Champion Play Style

  • The following is a combination of tips provided by TSuki (NA) and JxViii (EU) 
  • This guide will be going over the things listed below
    • General Idea in Laning phase
    • Laning phase vs Melee opponent
    • Laning phase vs Ranged opponent
    • Team fight roles and focuses
    • Best Matchups
    • Worst Matchups
    • Synergetic champions to pick alongside Akali
    • Item Builds
    • Runes & Summoner Spells
    • Skill Levelling Order

  • General Idea in Laning Phase
    • Assassins in the mid lane are generally more agile than other types of champions in the game, your goal in lane is to try to stay as healthy as you can until you hit your power spike so you can make plays. While I'm suggesting to play safe before you're able to hit your power spike, you are of course welcome to play slightly aggro in order to bait out opponent's abilities or if your jungler is coming to gank you. 
    • Don't take dumb trades that you know you won't win, just try to allow the opponent to push the lane in and attempt to freeze the wave to the best of your ability to allow you to farm better and set up ganks easier.
    • One of the most disregarded thing about Akali's moveset is that, her 1st ability actually provides a 50% slow 
    • Depending on the match up, Akali has very different playstyles

  • Playing Against Melee Champions 
    • Playing as an assassin in the mid lane is generally about dodging abilities and avoiding being damaged before you have the ability to solo kill or simply kill with the help of your jungler. Referring to to Akali, when trading, you would wait for your opponent to push the wave in so you have better control of when to push and be able to retreat into the turret easily when losing trades putting yourself at a safe position.
    • If you decide, the champion you're playing against doesn't have an advantage against you, feel free to aggressively use your 1st ability when they come near you. The first ability is actually slightly longer in range than what is displayed, so use it to your advantage! 
    • Your trading pattern should be Q-AA-E-Walk out for passive-AA-E2-AA-Q-AA-W-Walk back for long trade, for the short trade just Q-(Passive) AA-W-Back off.
  • Playing Against Ranged Champions
    • Against Ranged Champions, you can't really do much in the early game as you will constantly get poked out if you don't play back enough.
    • You will not have lane priority against a ranged champion
    • Try to sustain your health at a healthy enough level until level 5 where you can easily all in and burst the enemy laner down
    • Level 1 : You will just take unnecessary poke if you stand on even ground early, so try to just focus on hitting CS with your Qs from max range

    • Level 2: This is when you can start playing somewhat aggressively, typically Akalis upgrade shroud 2nd, allowing for extra energy (able to throw out more Qs) and granting you movespeed/invisibility. Range opponents will want to keep poking you down so you are unable to play aggressively, which is the main goal of playing this champ. When the enemy champ gets too close to you to try to lane their abilities, you can look to step up and trade with your Q, immediately using shroud to be able to gain extra movespeed to auto, Q auto, to grant maximum damage. 

    • Level 3: This is where you can be flexible in how you want to output your damage against range opponents. If the opposing champ steps in line of your E you can use the ability to gain huge amounts of damage towards the opponent. Make sure to weave autos where possible to grant the utmost damage.

    • Tip: Typically people expect you to focus your E on them, resulting on the opposing champ to hide behind minions. You can still use your E on a minion, back away abit then go to the minion, which allows you to use your Q, Shroud, Auto, Q auto, if the enemy champ gets too close to the minion your E is attached to. You dont always need to use your E on the enemy champ to look for avenues of damage. You could also use your E backwards, propelling you towards the enemy champ, allowing you to get in range to use your Q and shroud/auto combo. Changing tactics in laning phase allows for you to have an unpredictable playstyle which is great. 

    • Level 5: This is when you have the greatest kill potential in laning phase, if the opposing champion steps up too far away from their turret, you can almost always go all in and win as long as you wave in autos after every ability. Using Akalis ult and using her E at the same time allows you to have a guaranteed connection of your E, which makes it so the enemy champ cant get away from you even if they flash away. 

  • Team Fight Roles and Focuses
    • Always think of what your goal is in teamfights, is it to play front to back and attack their tanks or go for their squishy carries in the back? Akali is an assassin, so of course its to focus the squishies. Akalis combo is one of the highest damage output combos in the entire game, allowing you to one shot squishy targets with ease. Try to look for flanks in a teamfight and pick off isolated targets. Make sure to not waste your shroud (W) too quickly in these scenarios.
  • Best Matchups
    • Generally Low Mobility and Squishy Champions + Assassins with certain exceptions.
      • Yasuo
      • Zed
      • Lux
      • Garen
      • Gragas
  • Worst Matchups
    • Ranged champions that can basically bully Akali into the ground before she gets her power spikes
      • Twisted Fate
        • A generally known Akali counter even on PC League. Twisted Fate’s gold card and outrange potential makes it hard for Akali to ever kill him in lane. In team fights, Akali’s shroud is of high importance, and TF ultimate can neutralize this safety net from you, as he reveals your location even when using the shroud.
      • Ziggs
        • This champ is aids to face against as Akali in lane, as he outranges you with all 3 of his abilities and doesn't need to get close to you at all to deal lots of damage. Look to get out of laning phase even, and focus on team fights, where Ziggs isn't under the protection of turrets.
      • Ahri
        • The short cooldowns of Ahri’s Q and E allows for her to be an oppressive laner vs assassins. Akali can basically never use her E towards Ahri on minions near Ahri, as she can easily telegraph your movements and charm in advance, resulting in you taking her full combo.
      • Fizz
        • The low cooldowns of Fizz's abilities allows him to be able to take really short trades that can easily proc electrocute with Q-AA-W-E(To back out), Akali being not able to answer that trade as fast usually, also that Fizz's ult reveals Akali's positioning within the shroud allowing Fizz to still do a complete combo of damage even when Akali is in shroud.
      • Corki
        • The low cooldown and early game pressure Corki has is oppressive against champions like Akali that has a weaker presence early game. Corki's 1st ability also allows Corki to be able to see where Akali is within the shroud when you're hit by it, while his 3rd ability somewhat reveals where you are within the shroud.
  • Synergetic Champion Picks Alongside Akali
    • Hard CC Champions that can provide peeling/focuses for Akali & Early ganking champions
      • Amumu
      • Vi
      • XinZhao
      • Evelynn
      • Rammus
  • Item Builds
    • Please note that all following Boots choices are not what you should always go with. Please choose your build according to what suits the game better!
    • Build 1 (Ability Spam/Against Squishies)
      • Hextech Gunblade → Infinity Orb → Liandry's Torment → Lich Bane → Rabadon's Deathcap
      • Replacement Item Choice: Void Staff
      • Boots Choice: CDR Boots
      • Boots Enchantment: Stasis/Protobelt/QSS
    • Build 2 (Against more tanks)
      • Liandry's Torment → Rabadon's Deathcap → Infinity Orb  → Lich Bane → Void Staff 
      • Replacement Item Choice: Morellonomicon
      • Boots Choice: Omnivamp
      • Boots Enchantment: Stasis/QSS
  • Runes & Summoner Spells
    • Keystone: 
      • Conqueror
      • Fleet Footwork (Against ranged champions so you can auto minions to heal)
    • Domination:
      • Brutal
    • Resolve:
      • Second Wind
      • Bone Plating
    • Inspiration:
      • Hunter - Genius
      • Sweet Tooth
    • Summoner Spells
      • Flash
      • Ignite
      • Barrier
  • Skill Levelling Order
    • 1 → 2 → 3 → 1 → 4 → 1 → 1 → 3 → 4 → 3 → 3 → 2 → 4 → 2 → 2
